Navigating the Blockchain Landscape, Efforts to Demystify Distributed Ledger Technologies - Paper

Navigating the Blockchain Landscape, Efforts to Demystify Distributed Ledger Technologies

A brand new paper prepared by Mariana de la Roche (IOTA& INATBA) and Asa Dahlborn (IOTA) with comments of Mar Meneses (Co-Chair of INATBA Education Working Group) and the support of members of the Education Working Group of INATBA, the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum and Blockchain Bundesverband, has just been published, providing a thorough overview of the most popular misconceptions regarding blockchain technology.

Addressing misconceptions in the blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) space is vital to achieve global scalability, allowing consumers and users to have informed decision-making processes, while also promoting trust and effective risk management. Individuals, businesses, and policymakers must understand these technologies to make strategic decisions, whether for investing, implementing a solution, or developing regulations.

This paper presents and addresses some of the most common misconceptions about blockchain.  You can read and download the paper here.