Do you have extensive knowledge on Blockchain and are you well-versed in Standardisation?
Then apply to become an expert evaluator to supporting Europe's Effort in Blockchain/DLT Standardisation!
CALL CLOSED 29th of September 2023 - 17:00 CEST

How to apply
To apply to become a EPE member, please complete the application form and attach your CV. Please note that you need to register to the website in order to submit an application.
To access the application form, you need first to register/login to the website. Once registered and logged in on, please come back to this same webpage where you are now and click on the new button that is now available "Apply to our External Evaluator SEP". You will access to the official Grants Platform, when you can fill the for in order for your application to be dutifully submitted.
Our External Pool of Evaluators will gather a set of 10+ recognised experts in the Blockchain/DLT area, including emerging sub-topics such as on identity management, Data provenance, governance, token & asset creation & exchange, process optimization, automation, cybersecurity and applied game theory and other.
Our 10+members will be instrumental to ensuring an impartial, transparent and consistent review process of applications to the Selecting and Engaging Procedures (SEPs) and will be thoroughly selected by the Consortium’s partners from the Call for Evaluators open until next 29th of September 2023 - 17:00 CEST.
(If needed, the call could be extended and a reserve call may be re-opened at a later stage in the projects’ lifecycle to compensate for any retiring members or changes in the SEPs priorities.)
The financial support provided through the Selecting and Engaging Procedures is restricted to individual specialists residing in European Member States and Associated Countries. Therefore, applications from more than one individual or natural person or outwith the above mentioned countries will be immediately disregarded and ineligible for funding. The reference document to figure out your eligibility is "EU Grants: List of participating countries (HE) V2.5 – 01.04.2023"
Proposals’ evaluation methodology
Upon selection for our EPE, members will be engaged via a standard contract with for the duration of the four SEPs’ cycles. Evaluation will be carried out entirely remotely, via the web platform, where access will be granted to the applications assigned and online evaluation forms.
Upon closure of each SEP, three members will be drawn from our pool to evaluate each eligible application, plus a rapporteur/quality manager. Assignment of the applications will be made on the basis of correlated expertise (also considering the addressed sub-niche) and with due regard to gender and geographical balance. Prior to the review process, our evaluators will be briefed fully on the principles guiding the calls and the application and the selection criteria.
Please note that membership of the EPE precludes application to the SEPs.
The contract to be signed will include standard provisions to guarantee that no conflict of interest exists and complete confidentiality is ensured.
- Evaluators Profile
Applicants should demonstrate experience and possess a proven track record in the blockchain/DLT Standardisation domain. Applications are restricted to individuals residing in European Member States and Associate Countries (reference document: EU Grants: List of participating countries (HE): V2.5 – 01.04.2023) coming from academic or research institutions, business associations, industry (including SMEs), European and international Standard Developing Organisations, National Standards Bodies and Public/Private partnerships.
- Services required
Services are to be provided remotely via the Grants platform and will involve evaluation of the applications received in response to the Selecting and Engaging Procedures. The pool will gather members with different expertise to enable flexibility when assigning applications and to ensure that independence and fairness are upheld for each application evaluated.
To this purpose, all EPE members will be required to sign a standard contract with strict provisions governing Conflict of Interest and non-disclosure of any information relative to the proposals or which is proprietary information to the Consortium, before being accepted to the Pool.
- Remuneration
The EPE will be remunerated with a reimbursement rate for effort set at €450/day to be paid on the basis of the number of proposals evaluated, with the time to be spent on each evaluation set at 30 mins per proposal.
- Selection Criteria
The EPE will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Strong expertise in the blockchain/DLT Standardisation domain and sub-topics covered in the SEPs - additional skills in ICT Standardisation are a plus;
- Active involvement in related efforts in priority blockchain/DLT standardisation topics over the past 12-18 months, such as chair roles, rapporteurs/convenors, contributors/supporters in SSOs and SDOs and Working Groups;
- Active engagement in standardisation events is a plus.
- Eligibility
- Evaluators cannot apply to the SEPs for fundings.
- Evaluators should not be part of the project consortium.
- Evaluators will be asked to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration, before being accepted to perform their duties for a specific evaluation. A conflict of interest exists if an evaluator:
(a) is a director, trustee or partner or is in any way involved in the management of the applicant's organisation;
(b) has a close family or personal relationship with the applicant or the applicant's organization;
(c) is employed or contracted by one of the applicant's organisation or any named subcontractors;
(d) was involved in any way in the preparation of the proposal or submitted the proposal itself;
(e) could have a direct or indirect benefit/advantage if the proposal should be accepted.
How to apply
To apply to become a EPE member, please complete the application form and attach your CV. Please note that you need to register to the website in order to submit an application.
To access the application form, you need first to register/login to the website. Once registered and logged in on, please come back to this same webpage where you are now and click on the new button that is now available "Apply to our External Evaluator SEP". You will access to the official Grants Platform, when you can fill the for in order for your application to be dutifully submitted.