Global blockchain and DLT standards on Security, Privacy and Identity
Cybersecurity and applied game theory
Identity Management
DLT as a trust service
ISO/TC 307/JWG 4 is leading the development of the needed standards in Blockchain and DLT area (ISO/TC 307) connected to the existing landscape of security, privacy and identity standards (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27) and useful for both international and regional markets, in particular in cybersecurity assurance, management of identities, and privacy-sensitive applications. There are more and more expectations for standards in that space to support development of sustainable solutions and to support regulatory trends.
ISO/WD 24946, ISO/WD 25126, ISO/WD 24876
Entrepreneur and expert in innovative cybersecurity, biometrics, AI, privacy, identity and web3 solutions. His previous experiences include co-founding of a blockchain fintech startup; Innovation Programs lead and Research Team Manager for Security and Cryptography of IDEMIA. One of the early researchers who worked on privacy protection for biometrics in the early 2000s. Involved today in particular in building startup projects around biometrics-based identity management innovation and digital identities (recently Convenor of ISO/TC 307/JWG 4 since 2018. Actively participating in standardisation since more than a decade, in security, privacy, identity, biometrics, authentication either on ISO, CEN/CENELEC or in other industrial groups (Common Criteria, FIDO). Project leader of 2022 revision of ISO/IEC 24745 Biometric information protection. Initial contributor of Blockchain Governance Initiative Network.
Global cybersecurity, identity management and privacy protection standards in the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies space are key for a global and trustworthy adoption.