The EU Standardisation Rolling Plan 2023 identifies Blockchain and DLT as a key vector for innovation in the Digital Single Market providing an infrastructure for trusted, decentralised and disintermediated services beyond the financial sector. This public consultation seeks to capture key priorities for industry in the development of this important infrastructure and to better understand where emerging standards can lend support and value.

Organisation Type
Technology Area you are working in
Please select a maximum of 3 options
Have you contributed to the work of any SDOs listed below?
Have you contributed to protocol development on any blockchains listed below? Eg through public Request for Comments (RFCs) consensus process?
Are you registered with the EU Standards Observatory (EUOS)? If yes, which TWG groups are you working with?

SEEBLOCKS identifies the following features as foundational to the value and impact of blockchain and DLT technologies. Place in order of importance for your industry, sector or research area (drag and drop):

Foundations (eg. reference architecture; terminology; taxonomy; ontology)
Identity management (e.g., self-sovereignty; privacy; anonymity; account abstraction; secure wallet management)
Data provenance (e.g., on/off-chain data flows; data trustworthiness; verifiable oracle services/registries)
Governance (e.g., stakeholder reputation including roles, rights and responsibilities; online voting; DAOs; peer-to-peer virtual communities)
Tokenisation, digital asset creation and exchange (e.g., cryptocurrency; virtual assets; fungible and non-fungible tokens; exchange protocols)
Process optimisation (e.g., process transparency; multi-party, interoperable, cloud-based resource-sharing; 5G and mobile edge computing; energy-efficiency)
Automation (e.g., smart contracts; intelligent agency; robotics)
Cybersecurity (e.g., open source, distributed and decentralised system architectures; end-point security; encryption; consensus mechanisms and applied game theory)
Use Cases (e.g. generic and / or domain-specific use case collections)
Which aspects of EC policy, regulation and law will have the greatest relevance to the implementation of blockchain and DLT technologies in your opinion?


Please classify the following blockchain and adjacent standardisation topics as short, medium and long-term priorities:

You can submit up to 3 options per category (up to 3 short-term, up to 3 long-term).
Are there interoperability problems of blockchain/DLT between the EU, the U.S. and Asia that could be addressed by standardisation?

Which additional measures should be undertaken by regulation (law) or voluntary standardisation (by the industry and other stakeholders) to support the interoperability of blockchain/DLT?

Are there needs for standards and/or regulations in the following areas to support blockchain/DLT?

CO2 footprint of blockchain
Data exchange
Electronic identification and trust services (EUDI – eIDAS2)
Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) in Smart Contracts