
Fiona Delaney is Blockchain Strategic Lead at with stong industry experience as founder @ Origin Chain Networks where her research earned her the EU Innovation Award in 2020 for contributions in the field of agriculture and technology. As a software engineer, Fiona researches the role of distributed technologies, including blockchain in business and society using Open Innovation methods including distributed digital innovation approaches.

Fiona has co-authored numerous papers on blockchain, DLT, and sustainable agri-food, she has contributed to numerous standards in the field of distributed technologies. Chair of the Irish Blockchain Mirror Committee and Co-Chair of EUOS Standards Observatory Blockchain WG.

Blockchain Standards are...
For innovation; they promote interoperability, facilitate growth and empower cross-border digital trade and payments
Steps to better understand Blockchain...
Don’t be shy! Get your hands a little dirty, get a wallet, buy some tokens, find some NFTs that you like (digital art, proof of attendance, loyalty or reputation tokens)