
Ivana Mijatovic holds the position of Associate Professor at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade. She is an active member of the UNECE’s STARTed team (Team of Specialists on Standardization and Regulatory Techniques – education on standardisation). Additionally, she serves as Vice-President on the board of the European Academy for Standardization (EURAS) and is a board member of The International Cooperation on Education about Standardization (ICES). Ivana is involved in the national mirror committee for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7, CEN/TC 353, CEN/TC 365, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 IT. Her research focuses on standardisation, education about standardisation, teaching quality, and the quality aspects of technology-enhanced learning.