Webinar - New governance standard for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Iso Blockchain Webinar


This webinar is aimed at organisations looking to adopt blockchain systems and to blockchain developers and providers.


  • Welcome and introduction to standards for Blockchain and DLT
    Astrid Bækby Knudsen, Danish Standards
  • Why is Governance different in a DLT-context?
    Sylvain Cariou, Crystalchain - France
  • Elaboration of key concepts: Permissioned/permissionless, lifecycle, roles, consensus mechanisms, risk, identity and interoperability
    Roman Beck, EBC/IT-University of Copenhagen - Denmark
  • Introduction of the standard's 9 principles and illustrative examples of their application
    Ismael Arribas, Kunfud - Spain
  • Considerations for Incentives, Decision Rights, (Accountabilities), Lifecycle and examples
    Gayan Benedict, University of Technology Sydney - Australia
  • Wrap-up and key takeaways
  • Ask questions to the speakers

All registered attendees will receive a link to the recorded webinar and the slides presented after the webinar.

Learn more before the webinar:
The standard ISO TS 23635 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies - Guidelines for governance has been developed by WG 5 (Working Group 5) under ISO TC 307. Mr. Roman Beck is the Convenor of WG 5 and has been the project leader in the development of the standard. A great team of international experts in WG 5 have contributed to the development of the standard. On the following link you can get an overview of all published standards from the ISO TC 307 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies - committee.

Find out more on how to register and follow  WG 5 Governance / ISO TC 307 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies here.