European Blockchain Standardisation Day, by Seeblocks & BlockStand

Autoworld, Brussels, Belgium

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, standardisation plays a pivotal role in ensuring its secure, interoperable, and scalable adoption across industries and borders. Standardised blockchain protocols are vital for unlocking the full potential of blockchain in creating more efficient, secure, and equitable economies.

Having European experts involved in blockchain standardisation is vital to ensuring that blockchain technology is developed in a way that aligns with European values, adheres to EU regulations, fosters economic growth, and promotes global leadership.

The “European Blockchain Standardisation Day”, organised jointly by SEEBLOCKS & BLOCKSTAND projects, will bring together key stakeholders from policy, industry, academia, and standardisation bodies to showcase how these two blockchain European projects, have been enabling European leadership in global blockchain standardisation and, consequently, strengthening Europe’s strategic autonomy in the field. 

This event, composed of panel discussions and working discussions, will reflect on the achievements, challenges, and future pathways for blockchain innovation and standardisation in Europe, on a wide range of topics such as Digital Wallets, Digital Product Passport, Digital Finance, Auditing of DLTs, Privacy and Security, Environmental, Social and Governance in blockchain, amongst others. 
The “European Blockchain Standardisation Day” takes place on 9th April 2025, at AutoWorld, during the ISO TC 307 Plenary Week.

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  • Showcase the key achievements of SEEBLOCKS & BLOCKSTAND, emphasising their contributions to European blockchain standardisation
  • Discuss critical policy insights, particularly contributions to the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation and EU blockchain governance frameworks
  • Engage stakeholders in panel discussions and breakout sessions on digital wallets, digital finance, ESG frameworks, interoperability, and privacy standards
  • Strengthen links with ISO TC 307 by aligning discussions with ongoing international blockchain standardisation efforts
  • Define next steps for blockchain standardisation efforts, ensuring a cohesive and actionable roadmap for the future


Time (CET)

Registration and Welcome Coffee

10:00 - 10:10Bringing Europe to the Frontline of Blockchain Standardisation | Welcome messagesRita Meneses ( Coordinator, Trust-IT)
Justina Bieliauskaite (BlockStand Coordinator, Digital SME Alliance)
10:10 - 10:30Shaping Europe’s Digital Future through Blockchain | Keynote speechPierre Marro (European Commission, DG CONNECT Digital Innovation and Blockchain Unit)
10:30-11:10BLOCKSTAND & Outcomes & Key FindingsKnut Blind (, Fraunhofer)
BlockStand Representative - TBC


Digital Wallets in DLT | Panel discussion in the plenary roomPaolo Campegiani (BlockStand Expert)
Markus Sabadello (BlockStand & Expert)
Moderator: Irina Tal (, DCU)
Application of the Digital Product Passport in Global Value Chains | Panel discussion in the breakout room

Belen Suarez (BlockStand & Expert)

Joachim Schwerin (European Commission, DG GROW)
More speakers TBD
Moderator: Gabriele Casalini (BlockStand, Digital SME Alliance)


DLTs Supporting Key European Initiatives - Focus on EBSI | Panel discussion in the plenary roomSteffen Schwalm (BlockStand Expert)
Juan Carlos Cruellas Ibarz (BlockStand Expert) - TBC
Jose Manuel Panizo Plaza (European Commission, DG DIGIT) - TBC
Moderator: Andrea Caccia (BlockStand, UNINFO)
Digital Finance | Panel discussion in the breakout roomChristiana Aristidou (BlockStand & Expert) - TBC
Dimitar Kyosev ( Expert) - TBC
Christian Grafenauer ( Expert) 
Georg Brameshuber (BlockStand Expert)
Joachim Schwerin (European Commission, DG GROW) - TBC
Moderator: Knut Blind (, Fraunhofer)

Walking Lunch

13:50-14:00Afternoon Keynote speechFabrizia Beninin (European Commission, DG CNECT) - TBC
14:00-15:00Standardising ESG Frameworks with Blockchain: Enabling Global Alignment and Accountability | Panel discussion

Paul Ferries ( Expert)
Jerome Pons (BlockStand & Expert)

Grzegorz Cenkier ( expert)

Michal Kit (BlockStand expert)
Moderator: Knut Blind (, Fraunhofer)

15:00-16:00Auditing of DLTs - Ledgers as Trust Enablers & Interoperability of Blockchains |  Panel discussionPetko Karamotchev (BlockStand Expert) - TBC
Gyu Myoung Lee ( Expert) - TBC
Moderator: BlockStand Representative - TBC

Coffee Break

16:15-17:00DLT Standards Supporting Privacy and Security | Panel discussionRobin Renwick (BlockStand Expert) - TBC
Julien Bringer (BlockStand & Expert) - TBC
Christophe Ozcan (BlockStand & Expert)
Erik Andersen (BlockStand & Expert)   
Moderator: SEEBLOCKS Representative - TBC
17:00-18:00Future Blockchain Standardisation Activities & Actions | Panel discussionEmilio Dávila-Gonzalez
(European Commission, DG CNECT) 
Scott Farrell (ISO TC 307 Chair)
Yves Lebouche(CEN CENELEC) 
Ismael Arribas (UNE, & BlockStand expert) 
Sebastiano Toffaletti (Digital SME Alliance)
Moderator: Andrea Caccia (BlockStand, UNINFO)
18:00-18:30ConclusionsRita Meneses ( Coordinator, Trust-IT)
Justina Bieliauskaite (BlockStand Coordinator, Digital SME Alliance)

Networking Cocktail