at SES Conference 2025 Blockchain - A Transformative Power for a Transatlantic Digital Posterity

New Orleans, USA

Purpose & Scope

The workshop “Blockchain - A Transformative Power for a Transatlantic Digital Posterity”, taking place on 21 March 11:00-12:30 (time zone UTC/GMT -6 hours) will brainstorm what are the most urgent and emerging standardisation needs on blockchain between USA and Europe trading territories, without losing the global digital perspective. It will be colocated with the SES 2025 Annual Conference in New Orleans (USA).

Together the US and EU dominate global trade, whose economies of both territories constitute close to one-third of world GDP in terms of purchasing power. The EU and United States are each other’s main trading partners and account for the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world. Collaboration between these 2 regions in blockchain efforts have the potential to positively disrupt both regions and set the ground to set global standards. The opportunities that blockchain offers need to be developed and governed wisely, since the World Economic Forum expects 10% of global GDP could be tokenized and stored on the blockchain by 2027.

The workshop will start with setting the ground of European and USA realities, with presentations from experts of both regions about what are the main blockchain standardisation values and needs. It will be followed by a panel discussion about what is needed for both the USA and Europe to foster collaboration and innovation in the world of global standards and pave the way for a unified digital future, driving innovation and disrupting traditional systems and avoiding fragmented standardization efforts.  
Who should attend?

  • Blockchain stakeholders from national/local authorities;
  • Researchers and academics working in Blockchain fields;
  • ICT specialists and professionals working in the Blockchain, DLT & IT domain;
  • Blockchain Hubs & Networks
  • Policy & SDO & NSB representatives.



Draft Agenda 

Welcome - Supporting Europe’s effort in Blockchain and DLT Standardisation
  • Rita Meneses, & Trust-IT Services (Europe | Italy)
(45 min)
Blockchain in Europe and USA - Two sides of the same coin?

USA and Europe are partners strongly committed to driving the digital transformation and cooperating on new technologies based on their shared democratic values. This session will count with a panek discussion between experts of both regions on what are the blockchain standardisation values and needs.   

Moderator: Rita Meneses, & Trust-IT Services (Europe | Italy) 

  • Nick Ferguson, HSBooster & Trust-IT Services (Europe | Italy)
  • Volker Skwarek, FTZ CyberSec & ISO Convenor TC 307 for Blockchain WG3 “Smart Contracts” (Europe | Germany)
  • USA speaker TBC
  • USA speaker TBC
(45 min)
Fostering joint innovation in Blockchain Standardisation for Transatlantic Digital Posterity

A panel which brings together experts from both regions to debate how and on which points USA and Europe should foster collaboration to promote the creation of global blockchain standards that allow a stronger unified digital future and support the evolution of the digital landscape.

Moderator: Nick Ferguson, HSBooster & Trust-IT Services (Europe | Italy)

  • Julien Bringer, Kallistech & ISO Convenor JWC 4 - ISO TC307 & SC27 Security, privacy and identity for Blockchain and DLT (Europe | France)
  • Colin Cunningham, Chainlink Labs (USA | New York)
  • Alastair Marke, Blockchain and Climate Institute (Europe | Scotland)
  • Simone Wurster, Fraunhofer ISI & Technische Universität Berlin (Europe, Germany)
  • USA speaker TBC
12:30Closing remarks