Final Event How the DEP project has impacted European Blockchain/DLT Standardisation

Purpose & Scope
The final event, will be a playground for ICT experts to showcase how the 30 month project has managed to accelerate blockchain standardisation, through dedicated financial support to European experts working diligently in this field, and how blockchain and DLT can serve society as relevant technology enablers.
Blockchain, we have seen, is a turning-point innovation, since it is one of the most novel horizontal IT revolutions that is affecting all industries equally. This disruptive technology, which thanks to its adoption growth is becoming a mainstream technology, can bring lasting benefits to societies at large. To prevail, it requires proper standardisation to reflect the needs of its global users that come across all continents. Moreover, with the growth of blockchain usage, it grows also the demand for blockchain professionals, which directly increases the demand for blockchain skills. It’s momentous to tackle blockchain skills shortages and respond to current and future needs for the exponential demand of a blockchain workforce.
Thanks to 20 European experts were able to contribute to Blockchain/DLT Standardisation efforts, provided blockchain insights and contributed these results in the European Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation. has also developed an online blockchain training course, to be used as a sustainable service for the DLT/Blockchain community at large for learning and a freely available Standards Visualisation Tool to foster Education and Capacity in Blockchain/DLT Standardisation.
The event is structured such that it delves first into the regulatory aspects that influence DLT & Blockchain activities including the regulatory Acts that have come into force (AI Act, Data Act, European Digital Identity (EUDI), electronic identification, authentication, and trust services (eIDAS), EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW), to name a few). This will be followed by an overview of the technical contributions from experts in bringing the European view to the standardisation efforts.
The event will then focus on providing a voice to those twenty experts to provide the impact their funding has produced and with what lasting results and looking to what next steps are necessary to make sure the investment is long-lasting. This will be coupled with the demonstration of the utility of the Blockchain/DLT Training Course. The day will conclude with a set of prizes being awarded to those outstanding experts who have made a difference in their Blockchain /DLT endeavours.
Principal outputs of
- Blockchain Standards Visualisation Tool;
- Landscape and Gap Analysis Reports;
- Standardisation Advances from experts;
- Standardisation Policy Roadmap;
- Training Course.
Who should attend?
- Blockchain stakeholders from national/local authorities;
- Researchers and academics working in Blockchain fields;
- ICT specialists and professionals working in the Blockchain, DLT & IT domain;
- Blockchain Hubs & Networks;
- Policy & SDO & NSB representatives.
Draft Agenda
Time | Description |
08:00-9:30 | Welcome Coffee |
The BLOCKCHAIN landscape in Europe | |
09:30-10:00 | WELCOME PLENARY | – Supporting Europe’s effort in Blockchain and DLT is delivering a targeted, democratic, industry-driven initiative to support European interests in standardisation within the Blockchain/DLT domain, bringing together the EU. This session will provide an overview how results are supporting the Blockchain & DLT across different lines
10:00-10:20 | European Commission policy objectives for Distributed Ledgers Technologies – Rolling plan for ICT StandardisationThe Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation provides a unique bridge between EU policies and standardisation activities concerning information and communication technologies (ICT). contribute to this roadmap by providing a 5-year outlook and an international dimension on what are the most urgent needs and policy measures to standardisation, while addressing the latest ICT topics area (e.g. Artificial Intelligence Act; Data Act; GDPR, eIDAS2, Smart Contracts, Sustainability, Interoperability across territories, amongst others).
10:20:11:05 | Panel Discussion | Blockchain & DLT as trust anchor infrastructure & aligned with eIDASDLT systems rely on different types of trust anchors for DLT-based identity management, each one important in terms of some dimension of policy, technology, data, security, assurance, amongst others. Each trust anchor presents opportunities and risks to a DLT-based identity management system, and the DLT-based identity management system actors need guidance and standards to develop an appropriate operating model and risk mitigation strategy.
11:05-11:25 | Coffee break |
11:25 - 12:10 | Panel Discussion | Blockchain & DLT and Smart Contracts as a trust serviceStandards that promote the usage of anchor trusted management infrastructure, support several data formats, proof and electronic signatures, are necessary in Europe, considering the region regulation on online identities (e.g. eIDASw regulation, where citizens are able to seamlessly access public and private services easily and securely, with full legal recognition and respect for their fundamental rights). In line with the Data Act proposal and eIDAS1&2, technical work to support the standardization of smart contract business processes, security and related topics from a European perspective are also required. Moderator: Knut Blind, Fraunhofer ISI & Partner
12:10 - 13:00 | Panel Discussion | Blockchain & DLT within complementary ICT trendsAs a disruptive technology, Blockchain & DLT can be a game changer for sustainability and a better future. For example blockchain/DLT technologies are directly contributing to the promotion of sustainability in many fields, such as food supply chains, robotics and electric distribution grids. As another example, blockchain offers excellent solutions to regulate carbon credit transactions and their allocation, and improve carbon offset project management. Moderator: Rita Meneses, Trust-IT Services & Coordinator
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 - 14:50 | Panel 1: Blockchain, DLT & other ICT needs within EuropeEurope wants to be in the front run of standardisation efforts. In fact, the “EU Strategy on Standardisation” proposes a series of actions aimed at ensuring European leadership in global standards, making standardisation a driver of European competitiveness and resilience, ensuring standards support our investments in the green and digital transitions.
14:50 - 15:40 | Panel 2: From local needs to global standards: International Priorities within Blockchain, DLT & complementary landscapeIn today’s economy, namely in the standardisation world, no region in the world should be an island. On the contrary, together we can build solid regulatory structures, to create high degree of trust and smooth collaboration among stakeholders, specially in the IT fields. With the global world, the creation of international standards in key emerging technologies, between different regions, should the “standard” approach per se, through policy formulation while taking into account the needs of each participation region. Moderator: Fiona Delaney, Origin Chain Networks, ISO & Strategic lead
15:40 - 16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00 - 16:25 | Prizes – giving prizes within experts 4 will be giving awards to selected experts for their positive work in promoting European values with Standardisation Bodies. It will be a public recognition of their impact within the field and inspire future activities from Europeans in the field. Moderator: Rita Meneses, Trust-IT Services & Coordinator |
16:25 - 16:30 | – The legacy for future endeavours
16:30 | Conclusion |